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Title: Factors associated with knowledge on self-administration of eye drop instillation among Glaucoma patients attending Eye clinic, Teaching Hospital Jaffna
Authors: Ameliya Rachel, J.A.
Meera, S.
Jegapragash, V.
Malaravan, M.
Keywords: Glaucoma;Knowledge;Eye drop instillation
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Jaffna
Abstract: At least 2.2 billion individuals suffer from glaucoma, which is an asymptomatic chronic eye illness leading to complete blindness. Increased intraocular pressure is a clinical contributor to glaucoma; thus, to reduce intraocular pressure, ocular hypotensive eye drops are most commonly used. Unlike oral medications, patients’ knowledge on self-administration can lead to a great prognosis. As a result, good awareness, and support from healthcare professionals about eye drop instillation is crucial to lead a quality life in glaucoma patients.
Appears in Collections:FAHS 2024

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