Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 149
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance in C14.16/Aus91433 RIL population | Pakeerathan, K.; Bariana, H.S.; Bansal, U.K. |
2018 | Development of co-dominant KASP markers co-segregating with Ug99 effective stem rust resistance gene Sr26 in wheat | Qureshi, N.; Pakeerathan, K.; Gessese, M. K.; Nsabiyera, V. |
2017 | Measuring Effectiveness of Leaf Rust Resistance QTL using In-Planta Fungal Quantity by Chitin Assay in a Aus27506/Aus27229 RIL Population | Pakeerathan, K.; Bariana, H.S.; Bansal, U.K. |
2018 | GPS Based Density and Distribution Mapping and Composting a Sustainable Approach for Monitoring and Managing Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in Northern Sri Lanka | Kishojini, P.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2017 | Integrated approaches to manage the invasive alien weed Parthenium in Northern Sri Lanka | Kishojini, P.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2018 | Field survey of Papaya Anthracnose in selected markets and In-Vitro assessment of Bio Rationales against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides | Niveka, S.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2015 | Characterization of a stripe rust resistance gene in wheat landrace AUS 27969 from the Watkins collection | Pakeerathan, K.; Bariana, H.S.; Bansal, U.K. |
2017 | Distribution, Infestation and Occurrence of Noorda blitealis Wlk. and Gitona distigma (Meigen) in Moringa oleifera Lam. in the Home Gardens of the Jaffna District, Sri Lanka | Sharjana,K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2017 | Biology and Management of Amaranthus stem borer (Hypolixus truncatulus) (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) | Rajeshkanna, S.; Mikunthan, G. |
2017 | Application of Mycorrhizae Isolated from Cymbidium bicolor into the Roots of Chilli (Capsicum annum) and Onion (Allium cepa) to improve their Productivity | Denisiya, A.M.; Mikunthan, G. |
2014 | In vitro screening of Trichoderma species against (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae) and (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) on red onion in Jaffna | Vigitha, N.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2014 | Efficacy of different bio-rationals against Papaya mealybug Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) | Piragalathan, A.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2014 | Present status of pesticides usage and level of awareness among farmers in Jaffna peninsula | Keerthika, K.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G. |
2009 | Organic fertification as an eco friendly management of rice disease Magnaporthe grisea | Tharshani, N; Mikunthan, G. |
2010 | Fusarium species: acaropathogenic fungi as potential control agents against coconut mite,Aceria guerreronis | Mikunthan, G.; Manjunatha, M. |
2011 | Insecticidal properties of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. against the storage pest, Tribolium castaneum Herbst | Ahalya, S.; Mikunthan, G. |
2012 | The Causal of Stem Rot of Banana Grown in Jaffna Peninsula | Thiruchchelvan, N.; Thirukkumaran, G.; Mikunthan, G. |
2012 | Parasitic potential-host range of Cuscuta sp. and its impact on Allium cepa L. grown in Jaffna | Amirthaveni, V.; Pakeerathan, K.; Thirukkumaran, G.; Mikunthan, G. |
2012 | Evaluation and selection of the most cost effective media for in vitro cultivation of banana stem rot fungus, Marasmiellus sp | Thiruchchelvan, N.; Pakeerathan, K.; Thirukkumaran, G.; Mikunthan, G. |
2015 | Pedestal Study for Diversity of Fishes, Crabs and Shrimps in Kokkilai Lagoon of Sri Lanka | Krishanthan, G.; Thiruchchelvan, N.; Mikunthan, G. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 149