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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 149
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Results of a cancer audit in a single urology unit in Sri Lanka–2016Ravikaran, A.; Jayawickrama, B.; Arc, H.; Balagobi, B.; Sutharshan, Kugadas; Abeygunasekera, A.M.
2016Need of sentinel node biopsy in Jaffna for better surgical management of breast cancer patientsGobishangar, S.; Sivasuganthan, K.
2017Outcome of uncomplicated ureteric calculi managed with medical expulsive therapy in the outpatient clinic of a urology unit in Sri LankaJayawardene, Malaka Dharmakeerthi; Balagobi, B.; Ambegoda, A. L. A. M. C.; Sanjeewa, Vidanapathirana; Wijayagunawardane, G. W. A. S. K.; Senthan, V.; Ranasinghe, D. D.; Anuruddha M., Abeygunasekera
2021A case report of post-surgical page kidney due to extensive renal hematoma following percutaneous nephrolithotomySivashankar, Meganathan; Balagobi, B.; Perera, Neville D.; Nalin Ruvinda, Palehepitiya Gamage
2021Zinner’s syndrome: case report of a rare mesonephric duct anomalyBalagobi, B.; Sivashankar, M.; Anton, Jenil; Suvethini, L.
2014Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia: early outcome of a prospective series in a tertiary referral centre in Sri LankaWijesurendere, C.N.; Vinojan, S.; Banagala, A.S.K.
2016Ki-67 index and axillary lymph node metastatic status breast cancers in Sri LankaSayanthan, B.; Rathnasiri, G.H.; Silva, A.D.
2015Subcutaneous abscess and factors influencing IT in patients admitted to professorial surgical unit, Jaffna.Sayanthan, B.; Raviraj, S.
2019A case of large, benign, solitary fibrous tumour of the prostate causing obstructive uropathyde Silva, G.P.U.P.; Wanasinghe, W.M.M.A.; Ambegoda, A.L.A.M.C.; Kumara, M.G.S.R.; Balagobi, B.; Sosai, C.S.P.; Abeygunasekera, A.M.
2022A descriptive study to analysis the ureteral length in adult populationBalagobi, B.; Jenil, A.; Dilan, J.; Suvethini, L.; Thiruvarangan, S.
2015Descriptive study of pattern and outcome of hip fracture in elderly patients admitted to Teaching Hospital Jaffna.Vinojan, S.; Gobyshanger, T.; Raveekaran, A.; Lavanya, S.
2017Peripheral arterial bypass surgery: two year outcome at teaching hospital, Karapitiya (THK).Vinojan, S.
2013A rare cause of acute abdomen:torsion of a second spleenGobishangar, S.; Raviraj, S.
2020Emphysematous PyelonephritisBalagobi, B.; Nitharsanan, M.; Thanusan, V.
2016Idiopathic granulomatous mastitisLavanya, S.; Raviraj, S.
2015Descriptive study of breast cancer patients presented to a single unit in National Cancer Institute MaharagamaVinojan, S.; Udukala, M.; Ramprasad, R.; Saseekaran, B.
2020Minimally invasive correction of prolapsed, gangrenous distal limp of loop ileostomy to end-loop stomaShelton, J.; Rajendra, S.
2017New developments in chyluria after global programs to eliminate lymphatic filariasisAbeygunasekera, Anuruddha M.; Sutharshan, Kugadas; Balagobi, B.
2019Pattern of heart diseases among patients referred to a paediatric cardiology clinic in Sri Lanka, the situation from 2010 to 2012Bandara, I.R.; Karunarathna, W. A. D. W.; Dharmadasa, D. S. P.; Pathirana, Y. P. I. S.; Vinojan, S.; Ranaweera, S. P. A. L.; Bandara, K. M. G. K.
2017Comparison of Endo Venous Laser Therapy (EVLT) alone or in combination with phlebectomy(MSA) or chemical ablation(ST) for long saphenous and tributary veins. Is there a difference?Vinojan, S.; Gooneratne, T.D.; Ediriweera, C.P.; Prasath, S.; Ubayasiri, R.A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 149